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Visit Konark Temple : Know what makes it so special

May 17, 2024

Puri is a very popular city in Odisha and is filled with some great wonders that are a must-visit. From natural wonders to ancient temples, Puri is surely a point of attraction among tourists. Having said that, there are probably very few people who have not heard about the famous Jaganath temple and Konark temple in Puri. People around the world come to Puri, especially to visit these temples.

The Jagannath Temple holds spiritual importance among devotees and is one of the Char Dham pilgrimage sites in India. Legends believe that King Indradyumn built this holy shrine after Lord Vishnu appeared in his dreams, where he blessed and guided the king to find Nila Madhava. In this article, let’s explore some amazing facts about the famous Konark temple in Puri.

6 Amazing facts about the Konark Sun Temple:

1. Significance of the name

The Konark temple is dedicated to the sun god. The name “Konark” is a blend of two words, such as “Kona” and “arka.” The word “kona” indicates “corner,” and the word “arka” means “sun.” When the two words are combined, it indicates “Sun of the Corner.” Having said that, the Konark temple is situated in the north eastern corner of Puri.

2. The temple depicts a Chariot

The illustration of the Surya often shows the sun god riding a chariot. The Konark Temple is a huge chariot with stone-carved wheels that is pulled by seven horses. The architecture of the temple is an excellent example of the Kalinga style of architecture.

3. The 12 wheels

The twelve stone-carved wheels of the temple indicate the twelve months of the Hindu calendar. One interesting fact about this temple is that the first ray of the sun directly falls on the main entrance. What’s more? The wheel also works as a sundial and tells the exact time.

4. The spokes of the wheels

Each of the 12 wheels has eight spokes. These spokes represent “prahar,” which is a three-hour period. All spoke together, indicating 24 hours or a day.

5. The seven horses

The seven horses of the temple represent the seven days of a week. Not only that, each of the horses also has names, such as Gayatri, Brihati, Usnih, Jagati, Trishtubha, Anushtubha, and Pankhti. The names are after the seven verses, or “Chhanda,” of Sanskrit poetry.

6. Depicts of power and wealth

At the entrance of the Konark temple, you will find two lions on both sides of the entrance. If you look precisely, you will see that both lions are crushing elephants. And beneath the elephants, there is a human. The lions represent power, while the elephants represent wealth. The whole artwork symbolizes two major problems in a man’s life, such as wealth and power.

The Konark Temple is rich in cultural as well as historical significance. That is the main reason, UNESCO has declared the Konark Temple a World Heritage Site. The symbolic portrayal of the eternal journey of the sun god is what makes this temple so special. If you are planning to visit Puri soon, then do not miss out on seeing the Konark temple.
